The All India Drugs Control Officers' Confederation was framed on 28th December, 1995 at
Visakhapatnam as a result of untiring efforts of many officers across the country and the initiative taken by the Andhra Pradesh Drugs Inspectors' Association, the Kerala Drugs Control Enforcement Officers' Association and Tamil
Nadu Drugs Inspectors' Association
The first Executive Committee with Shri R. Narayanaswami as the first President was elected at the said historical meeting. The Executive Committee immediately swung into action and a constitution of the AIDCOC was drafted at the meeting held at Hyderabad. In this meeting, the Objectives, Mission, Vision and the Strategy to be followed clearly defined and documented.
The Drugs Control Officers felt that as their number I limited and they are scattered across the country, their voice is really not heard by the authorities. Therefore, they felt the need to have common strong forum at national level to find the solution to these issues. The idea to form AIDCOC emerged out of such need and discussions held during the series of meetings held at Mumbai during the training programs of DRUGS Control Officers. The first step in this direction was taken in 1987 by way of forming an ad-hoc committee with Shri S.W. Deshpande, the then President of Drugs Inspectors’ Welfare Association, Maharashtra State [DIWA] as the convener and the co-ordinator. But the task on hand was very much daunting and the problem was further compounded by the constraints such as lack of manpower, overworked and scattered Drugs control officers and lack of means of effective communication. However, the officers did not give up as they believed in the dictum. “The winners in life’s game are not those who have never tasted failure, but rather those who have failed again and again, but who never gave up. Winners benefit from each failure and see it as a step to victory”.
Confederation decided and concentrated its efforts in thrust area like publication, seminars, workshops, training programs and redressal of grievances. The Confederation also made conscious efforts to coordinate and synergise its efforts with other professional associations working for upliftment of pharmacy profession.
The first Executive Committee with Shri R. Narayanaswami as the first President was elected at the said historical meeting. The Executive Committee immediately swung into action and a constitution of the AIDCOC was drafted at the meeting held at Hyderabad. In this meeting, the Objectives, Mission, Vision and the Strategy to be followed clearly defined and documented.
The Drugs Control Officers play a very important and vital role in ensuring availability of safe, standard and efficacious medicine at a fair price and therefore they should be seen at the Center Stage of the Health Care Management system. However, in reality, they seem to have been marginalized and the organizations suffer from the neglect in terms and manpower, organizational hierarchy, independence and infrastructure. The officers all over India shared the feeling of neglect and a view that the authorities both at central and state level have not given due consideration and focused attention to the strengthening of the Drugs Control Organizations in India.The Drugs Control Officers felt that as their number I limited and they are scattered across the country, their voice is really not heard by the authorities. Therefore, they felt the need to have common strong forum at national level to find the solution to these issues. The idea to form AIDCOC emerged out of such need and discussions held during the series of meetings held at Mumbai during the training programs of DRUGS Control Officers. The first step in this direction was taken in 1987 by way of forming an ad-hoc committee with Shri S.W. Deshpande, the then President of Drugs Inspectors’ Welfare Association, Maharashtra State [DIWA] as the convener and the co-ordinator. But the task on hand was very much daunting and the problem was further compounded by the constraints such as lack of manpower, overworked and scattered Drugs control officers and lack of means of effective communication. However, the officers did not give up as they believed in the dictum. “The winners in life’s game are not those who have never tasted failure, but rather those who have failed again and again, but who never gave up. Winners benefit from each failure and see it as a step to victory”.
As a result of untiring efforts of many officers across the country and the initiative taken by the Andhra Pradesh Drugs Inspectors’ Association, the Kerala Drugs Control Enforcement Officers’ Association and Tamil Nadu Drugs Inspectors’ Association, the dream was realized at a meeting convened at Visakhapatnam on 28th December, 1995. The All India Drugs Control Officers’ Confederation was finally formed and the first Executive Committee with Shri R. Narayanaswami as the first President was elected at the said historical meeting. The Executive Committee immediately swung into action and a constitution of the AIDCOC was drafted at the meeting held at Hyderabad. In this meeting, the Objectives, Mission, Vision and the Strategy to be followed clearly defined and documented.LEGAL STATUS
The “ALL INDIA DRUGS CONTROL OFFICERS’ CONFEDERATION” is registered- As the Society under the Registration of Society Act-1860
- As the Trust under Bombay Public Trust Act-1850
- As Charitable Trust under Income Tax Act
To achieve professional excellence through continuous training, better coordination amongst the Drugs Control Officers and more interaction with fellow pharmacists to establish the pharmacist and regulatory officers as vital link in the chain of healthcare delivery.THE PHILOSOPHY AND STRATEGY
The strength of the Confederation lies in its reliance on ‘collective wisdom’, participation of all as an integral part of strategy and commitment to the philosophy “Future belongs to those who reach out for it”.Confederation decided and concentrated its efforts in thrust area like publication, seminars, workshops, training programs and redressal of grievances. The Confederation also made conscious efforts to coordinate and synergise its efforts with other professional associations working for upliftment of pharmacy profession.